Monthly Archives: July 2021

Body Identification After Cremation
One of the primary concerns the bereaved have with cremation is how their loved one’s remains will be identified throughout the cremation process, whether they bury them in a cemetery in Matthews, NC, or retain them in an urn. These concerns are understandable, as it is a very sensitive subject with a lot of tension.
Also, many people hear false horror stories of families being returned the wrong cremains, or just being given bags of wood ash or even of sand. These rumors lead to a lot of concern over the cremation identification process. However, there is no reason for these concerns as all licensed cremation providers have thorough and effective identification procedures in place to ensure accuracy and dignity.
Most licensed cremation providers are more than happy to walk clients through their individual identification process. Don’t be ashamed to ask for these details, as most cremation businesses understand these concerns and are happy to help alleviate them. It’s important for you to be 100% comfortable with your provider and their practices. It can be difficult to ask questions surrounding such delicate and potentially painful topics. If you’re unsure of what to ask surrounding identification during the cremation process, try these questions such as “How are the deceased identified?”, “How does this process change if I am not there when he or she passes?” or “How can I be sure my loved one is the one you are cremating?” You can also ask, “How can I be sure of this if I choose a cremation without a viewing?” or “In what ways do you certify that the ashes I am returned are those of my loved one?”
If the cremation provider is unable or unwilling to answer questions such as these, consider taking your business elsewhere. It’s vital that you feel comfortable with the cremation process. The majority of crematories are obligated by law to carry out two different identification processes to ensure the deceased are correctly identified based on the name provided by the authorized agent or the bereaved. First, the deceased’s name, as provided by the bereaved or authorized agent, will be clearly listed on the cremation container. Second, a metal bracelet, disk or other token will be placed in the container with the deceased. This metal tag will not be broken down during the cremation process and will remain with the cremated ashes to further ensure identification.
You can always ask for additional identification steps. For example, you can ask for a detailed explanation of the cremation process in writing, have the cremation provider do a comparison of the deceased to a current photo of your loved one before the cremation begins, ask the cremation provider to do a final identification check based on a listed unique detail like a tattoo or birth mark.
If you would like to learn more about the body identification process or Matthews, NC cemeteries, Gethsemane Cemetery and Memorial Garden is here to help. Stop by and visit us or give us a call today.
Cremation FAQs
What size is a cremation urn vault?
Most cremation urn vaults are designed to hold at least one standard adult cubic inch urn, which typically measure around 11 x 8 x 3 inches. Keep in mind that the size of the urn vault will also affect the type of memorial service you can have, as well as, where the urn can be placed following the service.
What Is An Urn Vault, and Do I Need One?
A cremation urn vault is a container that is lined and sealed with concrete. It protects the urn and remains of your loved one from water and soil pressure.
How does a body look after cremation?
The body is reduced to ashes and bone fragments. The bones are usually ground up into very small pieces. The ashes and bone fragments are placed in an urn or other container.

Do You Want Traditional Burial Services?
Though cremation services are becoming more and more popular all across the country, there are still many families that choose traditional burials at cemeteries in Huntersville, NC over cremation. Do you know which one you want?
As other’s experiences may help you choose what’s right for you and your lost loved one, there are some common reasons why people choose traditional burial services. First, many families have been burying lost family members in the same cemetery for generations, so it’s important for them to continue this long-standing family tradition. For many people, holding onto this burial tradition is comforting in a time of loss and is an important part of their family history.
There are also many religions that dictate burial over cremation even though other religions have come around to the idea of cremation over burial. Many branches of Christianity and Catholicism allow for cremation, but there are still many religions that hold firm in their beliefs that burial is the only way to go. For example, the Jewish faith does not condone cremation. If it’s important for you and your family to maintain religious traditions, then you should absolutely choose burial. There are also a lot of myths surrounding cremation, from having ashes given to the wrong person to a lack of dignity. These myths might deter people from choosing cremation and have them choose burial instead.
Even though these myths are mostly not based in fact, it’s perfectly OK for people to choose burial if they prefer or if it makes them more comfortable. If it’s your personal preference to choose burial, then that’s what you should do. Sometimes the deceased leaves clear instructions for his or her final disposition. If the deceased wanted to be buried, then you should follow his or her wishes. However, at the end of the day, choosing a burial or a cremation all depends on what’s important to you and your family. There is nothing wrong with choosing a burial just as there is nothing wrong with choosing a cremation.
On average, cremations cost less than burials. This lowered cost is one of the main reasons why people are choosing cremation over burial. However, there are those that don’t mind the extra cost because burial is important to them and their family. Not everyone is concerned about cost when it comes to putting a loved one to rest. If you are ready to spend more money on a burial to honor your lost loved one or a family tradition than you should do so without any guilt.
Gethsemane Cemetery and Memorial Garden is here to help if you want to learn more about burial or Huntersville, NC cemeteries. We have the industry experience necessary to help you make a plan that works for you and your loved ones. You can stop by and visit us or give us a call for more information on what we can do for you in your time of loss or of preplanning.

Popular Songs for Graveside Services
Almost every service at a cemetery in Charlotte, NC has music. After all, music is a powerful tool that can evoke emotion and mood. There are many different kinds of funeral home and cemetery songs out there, from traditional to modern and everything in between. There are an amazing number of options when it comes to songs for these services.
So how do you choose the songs for your loved one’s service?
You need to choose songs that go along with your plan for the service. Think about if you want songs that speak about death and spending eternity in heaven, or songs that remind you of certain qualities and characteristics of the deceased. You can also look for songs that allow for reflection over fond memories or ones that your lost loved one enjoyed. You should also take some time to think about what kind of music the deceased would have enjoyed, as the point of the funeral is to celebrate his or her life. However, you can also get inspired by music that the funeral guests will enjoy, too. You can even try playing a few different kinds of music to try and meet everyone’s tastes and preferences, though you shouldn’t stress about meeting everyone’s tastes as that’s almost impossible to accomplish.
You can choose the music by getting inspired with common and popular funeral song choices. There are tons of options out there, from common to more unique. Here are some that might inspire you. This list includes country, modern, classic and traditional options.
- In the Arms of an Angel by Sarah McLachlan
- When I Get Where I’m Going by Brad Paisley
- If You’re Reading This by Tim McGraw
- One More Day by Diamond Rio
- Broken Halos by Chris Stapleton
- What A Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong
- Hero by Mariah Carey
- You Should Be Here by Cole Swindell
- Drink a Beer by Luke Bryan
- Hallelujah by Jeff Buckley (there are many other iterations by other artists)
- Let It Be by The Beatles
- Who You’d Be Today by Kenny Chesney
- Lay Me Down by Sam Smith
- Hear You Me by Jimmy Eat World
- How Long Will I Love You by Ellie Goulding
- Last Kiss by Pearl Jam
- Over You by Miranda Lambert
- Fix You by Coldplay
- See You Again by Wiz Khalifa & Charlie Puth
- Only One by Kanye West and performed by Kanye West and Paul McCartney
- Supermarket Flowers by Ed Sheeran
All music can evoke powerful emotions and memories, so go with your heart when making the decision. Choosing the kind of music, you want to play at your lost loved one’s cemetery service is a very personal experience, so there is no right or wrong answer.
Gethsemane Cemetery and Memorial Garden is here to help if you would like to learn more about your options for Charlotte, NC cemeteries or funeral music. Stop by and visit us or give us a call today for more information on what we can do for you in your time of loss or of preplanning.

Questions About Loss
From a burial or funeral service at a cemetery in Matthews, NC to non-traditional services in more unique locations, everyone that faces a loss will also deal with a long and difficult journey to healing. Many bereaved ask themselves questions about the loss.
These questions usually fall into two categories: Why and How. “Why did this happen to us?” “Why did God let something like this happen?” “How will I start to feel better?” “How do I find the positive in this loss?” Everyone can find themselves asking different questions, as everyone responds to grief differently. Have compassion and understanding with yourself as you grieve, and don’t try to overthink what you’re going through.
Most importantly, talk about your feelings and experiences either with a loved one or a professional. After all, if you’re asking yourself these or similar questions, you are definitely not alone.
- Why Don’t I Feel Better Yet? Losing someone you love isn’t like breaking a leg or spraining your wrist. There is no set amount of time that it will take your loss to heal. Let yourself grieve as long as you need to. You will start to feel better over time as you slowly reach healing milestones. Celebrate your small victories as you heal.
- What Should I Do if I Feel Like I’ll Never Get Over the Loss? Death and loss aren’t something one should try to overcome, especially since death and loss aren’t things that anyone can fix. Instead of trying to fix the grief, learn to live with it. It will adapt as you grow, and you will slowly begin to move forward.
- How Can I Tell My Doctor That I Don’t Want Medication? Communication is key with your health professional, especially when it comes to mental health. It’s vital that you communicate with your doctor if you don’t want to take medication, as then he or she can come up with a different plan to help you.
- Why Aren’t My Friends Supporting Me? Many people don’t know how to help someone that is grieving, as it’s such a personal thing to deal with. Your friends, coworkers, or even family simply might not know how to relate to what you’re going through, or they might be afraid of offending you. Tell them how you feel, and what they can do to better support you.
- What’s Wrong with Me? If you feel like your grief is different or weird, don’t worry. Nothing is wrong with you. We all grieve in different ways. You might be grieving differently that someone that is facing the exact same loss as you, and that’s OK. Even if it feels like no one can understand you, try talking about your feelings.
Gethsemane Cemetery and Memorial Garden is here to help if you want to learn more about dealing with grief or Matthews, NC cemeteries. Stop by and visit us or give us a call today for more information on what we can do for you in your time of loss.